Inclide blog- Online marketing strategies to try out in 2022

Online marketing strategies to try out in 2022

Online marketing strategies to try out in 2022

Introduction to Online marketing 

It’s a new month and that means new plans and goals, if one of your goal is to market your business then this is for you. We will be reviewing some marketing strategies for SME’s to help improve their odds in the market against their competition and to gain a competitive edge.
Most of these strategies doesn’t require big budget, they’re quite simple and you can try some of them out with minimal budget in order to attract and maintain a customer base.

We previously posted an introductory article on online marketing, you can read through to understand the basic terms. Here’s the link  Online Marketing  

Online Marketing Strategies

We will begin by listing these 7 strategies out.
  1. Local listing and classified websites
  2. Online videos and tutorial / Webinar
  3. Blog blog blog
  4. Lead Generation / Email marketing
  5. Freebies (Review, Audit, Consultation)
  6. Vertical partnership with other businesses
  7. Paid Advert
  8. Google my business

Local listing – There are business listing websites with high authority that can show your business to potential customers. You can submit your website to these websites, otherwise know as local directory websites. Think of this as a low cost – almost free advertisement. Examples include Yelp, GMB, BBB, Vconnect, Business listing, Finelib, Nigerian business directory etc.

Video Content– This is becoming popular because what’s get people attention has changed from long paragraph text to visually engaging graphics and video content.
You can create interactive video to answer popular questions related to your industry. Other Video ideas are Webinar, Tutorials, how-to’s, presentations and discussions.

Blogging– Content is king. This involves creating content on your website blog page.
Blogging is important as it helps to position your brand properly as a leader in your industry, get your business more online visibility and build credibility. Unfortunately, this is an underused solution with many benefits.

Lead Generation – This involves the process of collecting details of potential customers and nurturing them until they’re ready to make a sale. You can Collect customer details through web contact form, lead page, website directory, Paid ads etc and covert them through cold calling, email marketing, inbound marketing, targeted marketing etc.

Freebies– Who doesn’t want a freebie, especially if they’re given genuinely. As a business you can provide various things from a free audit, a discovery call, free consultation, discounted sales, or a free trial. Basically anything to attract the customer to you (obviously something of value not a click bait) with the hope of converting them into a full time paying customer.

White labelling / Reference – We can’t be a one stop shop for everybody, so that’s why why this comes into place. Imagine a Digital agency, being asked about App development, Motion design etc
Instead of building out a section to provide the services your customers require, a more easier alternative can be pursued which can either be white labelling or providing reference to a partnership company. With this way you can provide additional services to your customers either under another company or through your reference.

Paid advert– An online advertising model in which you pay advertisers to show your business to users of your choice. It basically involves you renting advert spaces on a popular website with hope of generating leads that can be converted into paying customers.

Google my Business– Google is the most popular search engine world wide, with billion of search terms daily. So therefore, imagine having your business in the face of potential customers when they search for your business or similar service. GMB is important for promoting your business to a wider audience.

That’s all and I we hope you can learn something from our post.
Happy new month.

Online Marketing FAQ

Online Marketing is a good strategy for increasing your brand’s awareness through digital means. It is the promotion of goods and services on the internet. There are certain actions you can carry out on the internet to inform people and make them interested in purchasing your products or services.
With online marketing you can expand your business reach. I’ll be explaining a strategic guide you can apply for online marketing. Internet marketing is incomplete without these.

With online marketing you can be rest assured of getting:

  • Prospects which can be converted to customers.
  • Increase your brand’s ROI
  • More visitors to your website
  • Connecting with the right audience  

Online marketing has become very common, many business owners have tapped into it. You need to be creative, flexible and updated with trends if you want to be at the top of the market.

Search Engine Marketing

Email Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Affiliate Marketing



We try to make our posts as simple as we possibly can, so you can try them out yourself. If you’re lost feel free to reach out to us and we will put you through.


Brand Architecture: how your products become your company’s building blocks

Have you ever wondered about the success stories of some popular companies and the strategies they put in place?
Procter and Gamble is a household name that has been able to ride its way through the market. Some persons may not know the name ‘P & G’ but if you ask around about Pampers, Duracell, Always, Oral B, Gillette – you will find out how much people know these household products, all of which are affiliate brands and make up what is called the brand architecture of the P&G company. P&G adopted a strategy which made their products gain more attention than the usual corporate brand. This individual branding strategy stood them out into one of the most successful companies in the world.

So, before I discuss the strategies companies like P&G use connecting their products, let me clear out what ‘brand architecture’ really means.Brand architecture is a strategic tool used to set up relationships between parent brands and child brands. It is a way in which companies represent their brands in relation to their various products, brands and sub-brands.
A brand architecture comprises of various sections, which all link together and shows how closely related brands are to each other. A master brand is the parent brand which conveys the brand name. A sub-brand is connected to a parent brand, with a personal brand name and identity.
Why You Should Consider Brand Architecture

Before you can consider any of the strategies of brand architecture, the target market should be put first. Some of the key benefits attached to a good brand architecture are:

  • The brands tend to have a stronger position in the market, this makes it easier to communicate with consumers.
  • Customers are targeted properly and this helps the company to make use of effective marketing strategies.
  • Brand architecture also helps to build brand equity of sub brands.

Brand architecture is a fundamental part of product branding. Various schools of thought typify brand architectures differently. In this blog post, we will consider brand architecture in three distinct forms so, you get informed on which one your company should or has adopted and work towards making it more productive for your market share, brand value and equity. So, let’s look at the different brand architectures in detail.


The parent brand is closely associated with the child brand. Corporate branding is very common. Companies that make use of this branding are usually strong. The Virgin group, Google, P&G are examples. This type of branding makes it easy for new brands from the company to be accepted with other brands that belong to the company. Branded houses and house of brands are categorized under corporate branding. The company serves as the master brand with its name linked to other sub-brands.
Branded house is also known as monolithic architecture. In this architecture strategy, the parent brand is present and its name is linked to other sub-brands. An example is Google; having Gmail, Google drive and Google maps as child brands.
House of brands are also called pluralistic brand architecture. The parent brand manages many sub-brands. The company promotes these sub-brands which all have their personal identities in the market. This is where the P&G company falls into, with its sub-brands like Duracell and Pampers
A big advantage of corporate branding is that it helps to save advertising money, the same adverts can be used for other brands. Although, it can be difficult for other brands to make a name for themselves.


The endorsed brand rely less on corporate brands, though they need support from corporate brands to fit into the market. They have their own brand identity but rely on backing from corporate brands. Some terms associated with sub-brands that are endorsed include ‘brought to you by’ or ‘by’. Examples of endorsed brands are Nescafe by Nestle, Double Tree by Hilton Hotels.

Sub-brands are able to leverage the credibility of corporate brands and still target customers. A disadvantage of this strategy is that they have to live up to the same consumers expectations from corporate brands. It also finds it hard to succeed on its own in the market without endorsement from the corporate brands.


This is a mixture of branded house and endorsed house. Here, parent-child relationship exists. Some sub-brands have close relationships with parent brands while some have distant relationships. An example is Volkswagen which owns brands like Bugatti, Audi and Skoda – but it still carries a brand on its own name. It is a flexible architecture strategy for leveraging brand equity and products that suits different marketing segments. The hybrid architecture is rare and hard to achieve. A good brand architecture will make your customers understand the brand and want to purchase products and services. Unlike a poor brand architecture which creates confusion.
You just need to know which model works for your brand, this is why brand architecture should be an essential part of your business plan.

How did you find this article? Helpful? Let us know in the comments section and, look forward to next week’s post!!

digital marketing

What is digital marketing?

The phrase “digital marketing” gets bandied about quite a bit these days. It’s one of those expressions that’s easy to use in a sentence, but a little more difficult to define.
Some people say that digital marketing is any kind of marketing that uses electronic devices. Others say it’s Internet-based marketing.
This article answers the question, “What is Digital Marketing.”
Opinions vary, but the Wikipedia definition of what is digital marketing is probably the best.
Definition: “Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium.”
The reality is, people spend twice as much time online as they used to 12 years ago. And while we say it a lot, the way people shop and buy really has changed, meaning offline marketing isn’t as effective as it used to be.

Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means that you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet.
From your website itself to your online branding assets — digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, and beyond — there’s a huge spectrum of tactics and assets that fall under the umbrella of digital marketing.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

1. More Cost-Effective Than Traditional Marketing
Digital marketing lets you save your money to a substantial extent. This has the potential to replace costly advertising channels such as television, radio, and yellow pages.

With email marketing automation, you can boost your leads. Thus, it will allow you to pre-load content and schedule it for sending out the content at key times.

2. Improved Conversion Rates
Converting a customer online is not a big deal. All you need to do is just make your marketing strategy an engaging one. Targeted traffic offers bigger chances for conversion. Unlike other types of advertising, digital marketing lets you have a two-way conversation with customers and leads. Through digital marketing, you can reach out to your customers at any time. Instead of bothering them with multiple phone calls, reaching customers online seems to be a better idea. Just send an email and let them make a purchase and learn more about your organization. From such interactions, important leads can be generated, which would eventually bring an increase in conversion rates.

3. Higher ROI from Your Campaigns
Digital marketing companies optimize conversion rates to achieve maximum Return on Investment (ROI) for businesses. With smarter branding and better revenues, digital marketing can fetch a better ROI than traditional marketing. With effective tracking and monitoring methods, results can be analyzed. It helps the organizations to take necessary measures as soon as possible. With digital marketing, you can generate a steady flow of targeted traffic that gets converted into sales and leads. And, the more your business generates this kind of traffic, the faster you can enjoy your ROI.

4. Earn People’s Trust and Build Brand Reputation
Digital Marketing leverages on social media signals, social proof and testimonials availed from bonafide consumers. The more reliable these social signals are, the higher the trust rate it can generate from targeted audiences.

People would trust information about a particular brand if the data comes from people they know. And once you meet their expectations, your brand reputation will go viral. Eventually, it will open new doors of opportunities for reaching bigger markets.

5. Improve Your Outreach
Since digital marketing takes place online, it is accessible to the global audience. Whereas traditional marketing limits you to a particular geographic area, its modern counterpart can help you interact with the customers quite easily. On the other hand, it seems like having your storefront open all day long. And with digital marketing specialists, you can respond to posts promptly on your platforms. It doesn’t take long for gaining publicity to enhance the prospects and enjoy the benefits of digital marketing for your business at its best.

6. Content Flow

The creation and promotion of content assets for the purpose of generating brand awareness, traffic growth, lead generation, or customers.

Types of digital marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

· When the website was designed and developed, the next channel that would be considered to be useful for the management is SEO Services Channel. This channel can be useful when people search in Google search engine by the keywords then the optimized website will come 1st in google search engine result page SERP. When people search for the product or service then the website will be shown to them and by clicking on the website it will open and shows the details and can generate sales from it.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

· PPC Advertising gives you an opportunity to pay for top positions on search engines and relevant partner websites. This is the best channel for promoting products, lead generations, brand awareness, and sales, as it is paid advertising which can be easily getting ROI faster and effectively. This channel has instant benefits and particularly targeted options to advertise your product or service in mobile, desktop and tabs.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

· All the people in the world have hands-on these social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. This is a huge place to advertise the products or services by business pages which can reach to the targeted audiences. Here, SMM strengthens the relationship with customers and business owners and also boosts customer’s confidence by interacting and participating with trusted people.

Content Marketing

· For every type of marketing the service or product, there should be a creative content that shows to the customer for convincing them and buy the product. This channel is most important and can be useful for every basic type of marketing and promotions, as the business owner should grab the attention of the stranger and convince to buy product or service by reaching them with the unique style and new content that can attract people easily.

Email Marketing

· Email Marketing is communicating commercial information with a group of B2B or B2C people using Email-Platform or Email-Medium. Email Marketing is mainly used for marketers by connecting with their prospects and customers in a highly targeted way.


There you go, all the inner bellies of Digital Marketing and why you should enjoy its benefits.


Best Domain Name

best domain names

19 tips how to choose the best domain name for a website

Before your WordPress website becomes officially available on the Internet, you need to choose the appropriate domain name.

The domain name is actually your company name, so you need to think carefully about it before deciding.

1. Remember-able domain name.

2. It doesn’t have to be the name of your business.

3. Use keywords.

4. Choose a lasting name.

5. Avoid dashes.

6. Prefer a short domain name.

7. Try a name generator.

8. Beware of grammar.

9. Be careful of mistypes.

10. Consider the creative suffix.

11. Beware of trademarks.

12. Choose it by yourself.

13. See domain history.

14. Check its authority.

15. Check the availability through a trusted service.

16. Buy it straight with hosting.

17. Register it under your name.

18. Increase strength of your domain with SEO etc.

19. Register it as soon as possible.

That’s it, simple as A B Inclide. Not sure what Domain registra to use for registration, we are coming to that soon.